What Is Your Coffee Snack Horoscope?

What Is Your Coffee Snack Horoscope?

Discover the ideal sweet treat that’s attuned to your star sign needs for a delectable mid-afternoon coffee break

1. Aries: Jam Cookies

March 21 - April 19

To replenish all their energy quick-witted and dynamic Aries expend throughout the day, crunching on these colorful Jam Cookies along with a strong cuppa would be the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. We’re certain that you can’t wait to pick these treats right off the oven rack once they are done, so you’ll be happy to know that these are super easy to make. The best part? Change up the filling according to your mood with sticky caramel to satisfy an ultra sweet tooth or decadent chocolate for a touch of luxury.

2. Taurus: Purple Mochi Cookies

April 20 - May 20

Nothing can faze the determined Taurus once you’ve set your mind to it, so here’s a little challenge in creating your tea-time snack. Mochi and cookie textures are brought together in this chewy, crunchy and creative Purple Mochi Cookies Recipe that will definitely appeal to your appreciation of all things pretty. Purple sweet potatoes give this unique dessert a gorgeous purple hue will adding a mild, starchy sweetness to the mix. Since you’ve been a super dependable friend to others all these years, why not make a large batch for sharing and giving away?

3. Gemini: Cat Tongue Cookies (Lidah Kucing)

May 21 - June 20

Sociable, the life of the party and ever the connector, the Gemini gets everyone talking with ease. Over coffee, a batch of simple, buttery Cat Tongue Cookies or Lidah Kuching will encourage all to reach out for these dusty fine biscuits as conversations flow. It's an unintrusive coffee-biscuit pair that never fails to charm the crowd, so much like yourself. 

4. Cancer: Thai Milk Tea Cheesecake

June 21 - July 22

Ah, there’s nothing quite like a hearty Thai Milk Tea Cheesecake to fall back on when the emotional Cancer is feeling blue in the mid-afternoon. Black tea enriches the earthy notes of the cheesecake, while giving a subtle caffeine boost on top of the aromatic coffee you’re already having. Tuck into the rich, silky flavors of this cheesecake and you’ll find your goofy and compassionate self once again.

5. Leo: Moss Jelly (Puding Lumut Mentega)

July 23 - August 22

Keep your passion burning even when it’s time for a tea-time break with this dramatic Moss Jelly (Puding Lumut Mentega). It’s beautiful, bright-green emerald colors match your outgoing nature and enthusiasm, and it’s so addictively good that you might even finish the entire family-sized jelly in one sitting! Pair it with a coconut-based coffee like Cafe Cot Dua (Vietnamese Coconut Coffee) for a match made in a foodie’s heaven.

6. Virgo: Sakura Mochi

August 23 - September 22

Gentle, sensitive and loyal, Virgos deserve a delicate treat that can be indulged slowly over a long afternoon so they can unwind while savoring the subtle aromas and flavors of their coffee snack. The taste of this Sakura Mochi will evoke the breathtaking memories of the much-loved cherry blossom season, and can be enjoyed cool or warm any time of the day. Love attention to detail in your snack? This artisanal treat from Japan will surpass your perfectionist standards.

7. Libra: Gula Melaka Pineapple Upside Down Cake

September 23 - October 22

Socializing won’t be an issue if you bring this golden Gula Melaka Pineapple Upside Down Cake to your next gathering for sharing. Gracious and fair, the diplomatic Libra never shows up at a friend’s dinner party empty-handed. This fluffy, sweet and sour cake is the ideal way to conclude a delicious dinner, while providing a small sugar rush so that all of you can keep the conversation going!

8. Scorpio: Halawet El Jeben (Sweet Cheese Rolls)

October 23 - November 21

At first glance, it’s hard to tell what kind of dessert this is unless you grew up in the Middle-East. Halawet El Jeben (Sweet Cheese Rolls) pack an intense, gooey, creamy sweetness that oozes out with every bite. Pistachios add a nice crunch on the side, and provide contrasting textures to this Arabic treat. For passionate Scorpios, you’ll love unraveling the many layers behind this traditional sweet with every bite.

9. Sagittarius: Matcha Tiramisu

November 22 - December 21

Another energetic sign, Sagittarius are huge fun to be around, and what better way to bring friends together than to host a tea-party? This Matcha Tiramisu provides a visual treat for the eyes while allow you and your friends to dig into that creamy goodness of a dessert that literally translates to “cheer me up”. Enjoy the grassy notes of matcha in between mouthfuls of sweet red bean – this dessert will definitely brighten up all your days!

10. Capricorn: Kueh Dadar

December 22 - January 19

Nothing is too difficult for the ambitious Capricorn, so fussing over this delicate Kueh Dadar with finely grated coconut, gula melaka and boiled with steaming coconut milk should be a walk in the park for you. Its sweet gula melaka laced coconut shreds, wrapped snug in a soft, chewy layer of coconut milk and pandan crepe will be the perfect accompaniment to a robust brew of black coffee. 

11. Aquarius: Brown Butter Miso Brownies

January 20 - February 18

Plain old butter cookies or boring cheesecake won’t cut it for the imaginative Aquarius. When it comes to originality in baking, nothing beats these sweet umami Brown Butter Miso Brownies. East meets west in this lusciously rich desert that retains the traditional velvety, nutty chocolate taste. A dash of miso takes it up a notch with that hard-to-place but addictive flavor. 

12. Pisces: Fluffy Pandan Doughnut

February 19 - March 20

Bring out your inner Pisces artist with swirls of simmering pandan infused in a fluffy sugary-specked deep-fried dough ball. Ever the adventurer, you might want to take a bite, then dunk it bite side down into a warm cup of kopi. The doughy air pockets will soak up all the coffee fragrant goodness and turn this into a delicious coffee-soaked doughnut.

And, find out which delicious horoscope dessert is meant for you.

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