Salted Egg

Salted Egg Yolk Recipes

It is sweet, savoury, and has taken the food scene by storm – yes, you guessed it, it is salted egg yolk!

Perhaps one of the most versatile ingredients to work with, salted egg yolk is a simple yet interesting component that can effortlessly turn something pretty average into something foodies and diners will truly enjoy.

Make Your Own Salted Egg Yolk Dishes

While there may be numerous places you can dine at the satisfy your salted egg yolk cravings, why not try making your own dishes?

The Asian Food Network has a wide variety of recipes for proficient home cooks and newbies in the kitchen. Our salted egg yolk recipes cover nearly every meal – including dessert. Just to name a few, our salted egg yolk recipes include Salted Egg Chicken and Salted Egg Butter Prawn Pasta.


Try your hand at our salted egg yolk recipes today and cook with confidence!

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